Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Ok so wasn't over when I said it was, but this time it's for real. This is supposed to be a reflection of the course that has just passed. Something like a eulogy? Perhaps. As a means to help recall where we first started, I looked back to my first post as suggested my Ms Lim, and indeed I have to say, this course has offered for me much more than what I had hoped for.

Apart from being non-examinable (which was the very obvious reason why I chose it), it definitely helped honed and polish skills that I had, but more importantly, it equipped me with a lot more (considering how little I knew about this)new knowledge and skills in communications as we embark on a new chapter of our lives, be it now or in the near future.

If there was one point I had to choose to take home, it would definitely be the job application skills and practices. I felt that especially at this point in our lives, that would be the most relevant and essential skill to possess, as it can help make a difference in whether we get our dream jobs.

Of course, who can forget the interview practices we had, the fun and laughter we all shared. Myself aside, I also think it is quite amazing to see how the course has benefited some of my classmates too! From the beginning when I remember them like a little kitten standing in front of the class, to eventually at the end, a confident and articulate presenter!

Mission accomplished.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

It's OVER!!

Looking back, it's amazing how time really flies! Looking at my first post in this blog, it seems just like yesterday. Now, we have completed our presentation on Thursday, ie the module is sort of done and over for me and the other groups too who presented that day.

So the module culminated in the presentation. I guess it was a way of seeing how we put everything we've learnt in the module to practice, and what a journey it was. From the survey to the interview to the proposal to the presentation. And at this point I also must add, I've been blessed with really great group mates.

About the presentation, this was a new experience for me in some ways. Firstly, it was the first time I presented with a pre-written script. Usually, I would not see the need to, because I always thought ok as long as my ideas flow out without much pause and hesitation it should be fine. With the speech text however, I found it easier to put across my points because it could be rehearsed, and I knew when and where to put the emphasis, and what comes after etc. Also, I think it is important not to have breaks or awkward pauses in the presentation, because as an audience, I think it can be quite tiring at times to listen to a presentation that doesn't flow.

Also, it was my first time I rehearsed for it. And all I have to say, is I'm starting to believe in rehearsals. It certainly helps in sequencing the flow of your ideas during the presentation,and also trememndously improves the presentation as a whole. For those who get severe nervous breakdowns during presentations, rehearsals definitely help in calming the situation!

To sum it all up (both the presentation and the module), I personally believe that presentation, as with communication, is a skill that can be honed only with actual practice. You can have a checklist of 100 pointers and dos and don'ts, but it won't help, unless you put yourself in situations that allow you to practice. I believe that with practice, after each encounter you can reflect on how was it good and what could have been done better. This I think is somehow more useful than a checklist because experiences always sink deeper into your brain, than the pointers some might try to memorize before the presentation.